Thursday, October 14, 2010

Peyton meets impressionism

I saw on another blog a few books to read on learning about impressionism.  I thought there were some good ideas.  I tried to get Peyton to paint with his fingers by making lots of dots to create an image...yeah, he said "but that's too messy, mom".  He gets THAT from his dad, not me.  :)

We read the book Katie Meets the Impressionist.  It's a very cute book about a little girl who goes to a museum and learns about some paintings from the impressionist period by actually going into the paintings herself and learning about the family members and the painter.  It covers 3 painters.  Renoir, Monet & Degas.

Learn about Monet, Renoir and Degas

So I had Peyton separate a bunch of little balls from play-doh and make an image putting all the little balls together.  He was tired of making little balls, so I helped him.  

Here is Peyton's image made of little dots of play-doh...he made a playground set (the yellow is a bench, the blue thing with a yellow dot is a dog, the magenta on the left is a slide with a child coming down it (people are blue), middle is a swing set and on the right is monkey bars.

Next week we will be doing an actual painting using a lot of dots.

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