Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fieldtrip Friday: Hooks Airport

We went to Hooks Airport for our fieldtrip on Friday.  It is a small airport and it was only about 7 minutes from my house.  Nothing is ever that close for anything we do. :)  It was a lot of fun.  There were 100 people scheduled to go (including children).  I don't know how many were there, but there were a lot of families there.  I got to see a few mom's I had not seen since last semester. 

We are standing in front of the airplane they all sat in
The instructor requested that the kids try to be quiet since people were taking classes inside...Ryne saw the airplane and freaked out.  So much for quiet.  It took him until the field trip was almost over to actually go in an airplane.  They were small airplane's.  All the kids got to sit in an airplane and play with the steering wheel and a few other gadgets.  Then they got to go inside and play on the simulators.  Someone was managing the simulators to manage the weather conditions.  They of course made it clear for the children. ;)  Peyton crashed the plane a few times and then had to hand the wheel off to another child.  Ashley and Ryne played on the simulator as well.

After playing on the planes and playing on the simulator, everyone had a picnic lunch out by the pond.  When we first sat down to eat, some ducks waddled over our way to beg for some food.  Peyton mentioned that none of them were panting (like our duck friend at Ryne's school), so they didn't deserve any bread.  LOL!  After eating, they went and played down by the pond.  There was a nutria (a decent size water rat with long orange teeth) hiding under a little cave area under a tree and all the kids were trying to make it come out.  *shakes head* 

Right before we left (I was one of the last 3 families to leave), Jacob McMindes found a little turtle.  Peyton went to check it out.  His mom let him take it home.  They have a pond in their backyard.  It was a fun day.  I think we will go back there to do some nature studies at the pond area.  It was very well shaded, and Ryne loves watching airplanes (even though they freak him out a little). :)

Ashley playing pilot

Peyton getting out of the plane when his turn was over.

A group photo.  Ashley and Ryne couldn't decide if they wanted to be in the picture.  Ashley walked herself on over to me in the stroller.

What!  Ryne ACTUALLY got IN the plane!

Playing on the simulator

This is a Muscovy duck (you can tell because of the red on it's face)...they were thankfully not aggressive like the ones we visit at the pond by Ryne's school where he gets speech therapy.  They waddled over and stared at us and when they realized we weren't giving them anything, they waddled away. ;)

Peyton feeding the ducks at the pond

Ryne playing in the pond.

'Come here nutria, come here...come on, come on, come here...'

Peyton with Jimmy Taylor and Jacob McMindes.  Jacob found the turtle in the shallow area of the pond.

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