Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dewberry Farms Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

We went to Dewberry Farms on Friday.  It is on outskirts of Houston on the West side.  It took about an hour and fifteen minutes to get there.  It was a very windy day.  When we got home we all immediately took a shower or a bath.  The dirt was blowing on us pretty much the whole time.  It was nice to have a breeze, but this was more than a breeze.

We went with the Cypress homeschool group.  During the week only pre-registered groups of 10 or more can go to the farm.  There were about 1500 people that day.  There were a lot of (public) school groups.  The kids got to pick a pumpkin in the pumpkin patch.  Yeah, I was a little disappointed they were tiny ones, but they were happy.  :)  We didn't go on a hayride to the pumpkin patch was just a carted tractor ride as there was no hay on the wagon. ;)  It was a fun day.  There were lots of things to do and we didn't even get to do it all.
Here we are in the pumpkin patch field.

This is the map of the place.  It has a lot of fun activities.

Peyton is posing in the Fort

Coming down the roller slide...this is the first thing he did, and it made his pants dirty. :)

Sam & Peyton are learning some sign language so they can talk to Elijah (the girl with her back to the camera). ;)

On our 'hay' ride to the pumpkin fields.

How many pumpkins do I have?

I know they said we could only have one, but I want two!

My attempt at a picture with all 3 kids...

Do you see Spongebob and Mrs. Puff?  They had a barn full of a TON of carved pumpkins with characters on them.  It was really neat.

Big pillows filled with air.  I jumped on these too, and when I got off, I felt like I had just gotten off a boat.

Peyton is zip-lining.

What a fun swing...someone is inside it too.  Ryne kept getting off.

All the homeschool kids were digging for treasure.  There were a bunch of little rocks, and in them were some pretty colored rocks, teeth and other fun treasures.  I went to dig a coin out of my purse and remembered where we put Peyton's treasures...;)

That rock was a SWINGIN' that day!

Pedal carts.  All 3 kids were on them.  Ryne couldn't pedal - he just did the Fred Flinstone.

We saw our buddy Trey at the pedal carts area.  Trey was in speech with Ryne one day a week when we lived in the hotel.

Trey's mom on tractor ride.

Ashley was a big girl and rode by herself, which was good because Ryne wouldn't have gone if I couldn't ride with him.

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